Our advantages
Minimum order quantity >=1
We deliver without any MOQ
Suppliers >10
We use materials from a variety of leading manufacturers
Lead time ≤1;5;9
We offer flexible delivery times that are adjusted to your requirements
Series ≥0
We can develop prototypes and offer small production runs
F & E >50
We advise in excess of 50 F & E projects per year
Response time ≤1
We respond to your inquiry within one day
SM Selbstklebetechnik Unternehmensbroschüre
SM Selbstklebetechnik Lösungen für die Medizintechnik
SM Selbstklebetechnik Autoklavetiketten SM 150
SM Selbstklebetechnik Tiefkühletiketten SM 196
SM Selbstklebetechnik Relabeling Foil
SMS Converting Focus and Products HD
DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
UL-Zertifizierung I
UL-Zertifizierung II
ClimatePartner Certificate
our advantages
Minimum order quantity >=1
We deliver without any MOQ
Suppliers >10
We use materials from a variety of leading manufacturers
Lead time ≤1;5;9
We offer flexible delivery times that are adjusted to your requirements
Series ≥0
We can develop prototypes and offer small production runs
F & E >50
We advise in excess of 50 F & E projects per year
Response time ≤1
We respond to your inquiry within one day